Found 19127 maps ( page 2 )
Darker Woods 3v3 [BI-4.4]

Author: | MASTER, J MegaTank, Lad |
Uploader: | A10Einstein |
Revision: | 1 | Players: | 6 |
Comments: | 0 | Rating: | 0.0 |
Custom maps are stored in the user directories with sub-directories per mod.
- Windows: %AppData%\OpenRA\maps\<mod name>\
- Mac OSX: ~/Library/Application Support/OpenRA/maps/<mod name>/
- Linux: ~/.config/openra/maps/<mod name>/
Older releases (before playtest-20190825) used different locations, which newer versions may continue to use in some circumstances:
- Windows: %USERPROFILE%\Documents\OpenRA\maps\<mod name>\
- Linux: ~/.openra/maps/<mod name>/