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Update logs for map: Final Hell CTF

Update from release-20231010 to release-20250303 on March 4, 2025, 6:43 p.m.:

RemoveValidRelationsFromCapturable: Remove ValidRelations property from Capturable.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ExtractResourceStorageFromHarvester: Renames StoresResources to StoresPlayerResources and extracts StoresResources from Harvester.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplacePaletteModifiers: Replace palette modifiers with post-processing shaders.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveConyardChronoReturnAnimation: Remove Sequence and Body properties from ConyardChronoReturn.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveEditorSelectionLayerProperties: Remove defunct properties from EditorSelectionLayer.
Updating map... COMPLETE

AddMarkerLayerOverlay: Add MarkerLayerOverlay.
Updating map... COMPLETE

AddSupportPowerBlockedCursor: Add SpawnActorPower/GrantExternalConditionPower BlockedCursor.
Updating map... COMPLETE

MovePreviewFacing: Move map editor preview facing to EditorActorLayer
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameOnDeath: Rename Explodes to FireWarheadOnDeath and ThrowsShrapnel to FireProjectilesOnDeath.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveParentTopParentLeftSubstitutions: Remove PARENT_TOP and PARENT_LEFT from integer expressions for widgets.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameWidgetSubstitutions: Rename *_RIGHT to *_WIDTH and *_BOTTOM to *_HEIGHT in integer expressions for widgets.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceCloakPalette: Change default Cloak style from Palette to Alpha.
Updating map... COMPLETE

AbstractDocking: Docking was abstracted from Refinery & Harvester.
Updating map... COMPLETE

Semi-automated update complete.
Please review the messages above for any manual actions that must be applied.