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Update logs for map: Europe & North Africa C.W.

Update from release-20210321 to release-20231010 on July 24, 2024, 2:43 p.m.:

RenameMPTraits: Several traits spawning map actors and players have been renamed.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemovePlayerHighlightPalette: PlayerHighlightPalette trait has been removed.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceWithColoredOverlayPalette: WithColoredOverlay Palette changed to Color.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveRenderSpritesScale: Remove RenderSprites.Scale.
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from RMBO (usachina.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from SPECOP (usachina.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from IVAN (usachina.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from HFTK (usachina.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from APOC (usachina.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from CV (usachina.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.

RemovePlaceBuildingPalette: *PlaceBuildingPreview palette overrides have been removed.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceShadowPalette: Removed ShadowPalette from WithShadow and projectiles.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceResourceValueModifiers: HarvesterResourceMultiplier and RefineryResourceMultiplier replaced with ResourceValueMultiplier.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveResourceType: Remove ResourceType definitions.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ConvertBoundsToWDist: Convert Interactable and Selection bounds from pixels to WDist.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveSmokeTrailWhenDamaged: 'SmokeTrailWhenDamaged' has been removed in favor of using 'LeavesTrails'.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceCrateSecondsWithTicks: Changed Crate Lifetime to Duration and use ticks and renamed PanicLength to PanicDuration.
Updating map... COMPLETE

UseMillisecondsForSounds: Convert announcement/notifier intervals to real (milli)seconds.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameSupportPowerDescription: Support powers now use 'Name' and 'Description' fields like units.
Updating map... COMPLETE

AttackBomberFacingTolerance: Adds the old default value for AttackBomber FacingTolerance.
Updating map... COMPLETE

AttackFrontalFacingTolerance: Adds the old default value for AttackFrontal's FacingTolerance.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameCloakTypes: Rename 'CloakTypes' to 'DetectionTypes'
Updating map... COMPLETE

SplitNukePowerMissileImage: NukePower now defines the image for the missile with MissileImage.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceSequenceEmbeddedPalette: Replace Sequence EmbeddedPalette with HasEmbeddedPalette.
Updating map... COMPLETE

UnhardcodeVeteranProductionIconOverlay: VeteranProductionIconOverlay is changed to ProductionIconOverlayManager giving it more customisation.
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* Icon overlay logic has been split from ProducibleWithLevel to WithProductionIconOverlay trait.
If you have been using VeteranProductionIconOverlay trait, add WithProductionIconOverlay to following actors:
* E1GI: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* SNIPER: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* E13: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* E7: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* RMBO: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* SPECOP: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* IVAN: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* HUMM: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* RTNK: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* PANZER: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* SHERMAN: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* PTNK: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* TNKD: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* BATF: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* KATY: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* CTRK: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* BTR: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* ftnk: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* HFTK: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* V3RL: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* APOC: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* ISU: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* LATNK: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* apache: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* HARR: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* SUK: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* DD: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)
* CA: ProducibleWithLevel (usachina.yaml)

RenameContrailProperties: Rename contrail color properties
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveDomainIndex: Remove DomainIndex from World and add path finder overlays.
Updating map... COMPLETE

AddControlGroups: Add new ControlGroups trait.
Updating map... COMPLETE

UnhardcodeSquadManager: SquadManagerBotModule got new fields to configure ground attacks and defensive actions.
Updating map... FAILED

The automated changes for this rule were not applied because of an error.
After the issue reported below is resolved you should run the updater
with SOURCE set to UnhardcodeSquadManager to retry these changes

The exception reported was:
OpenRA.YamlException: <no filename available>:4063: There are no elements with key `EngineerRepairable` to remove
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits(MiniYaml node, Dictionary`2 tree, ImmutableDictionary`2 inherited) in /home/runner/work/OpenRA/OpenRA/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:line 386
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Merge(IEnumerable`1 sources) in /home/runner/work/OpenRA/OpenRA/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:line 333
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.UpdateRules.UpdateUtils.LoadMapYaml(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IReadOnlyPackage mapPackage, IEnumerable`1 files, MiniYaml mapNode) in /home/runner/work/OpenRA/OpenRA/OpenRA.Mods.Common/UpdateRules/UpdateUtils.cs:line 182
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.UpdateRules.UpdateUtils.UpdateMap(ModData modData, IReadWritePackage mapPackage, UpdateRule rule, List`1& files, HashSet`1 externalFilenames) in /home/runner/work/OpenRA/OpenRA/OpenRA.Mods.Common/UpdateRules/UpdateUtils.cs:line 119
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.UtilityCommands.UpdateMapCommand.ApplyRules(ModData modData, IReadWritePackage mapPackage, IEnumerable`1 rules) in /home/runner/work/OpenRA/OpenRA/OpenRA.Mods.Common/UtilityCommands/UpdateMapCommand.cs:line 108
UnhardcodeBaseBuilderBotModule: BaseBuilderBotModule got new fields to configure buildings that are defenses.
Updating map... FAILED

The automated changes for this rule were not applied because of an error.
After the issue reported below is resolved you should run the updater
with SOURCE set to UnhardcodeBaseBuilderBotModule to retry these changes

The exception reported was:
OpenRA.YamlException: <no filename available>:4063: There are no elements with key `EngineerRepairable` to remove
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits(MiniYaml node, Dictionary`2 tree, ImmutableDictionary`2 inherited) in /home/runner/work/OpenRA/OpenRA/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:line 386
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Merge(IEnumerable`1 sources) in /home/runner/work/OpenRA/OpenRA/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:line 333
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.UpdateRules.UpdateUtils.LoadMapYaml(IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IReadOnlyPackage mapPackage, IEnumerable`1 files, MiniYaml mapNode) in /home/runner/work/OpenRA/OpenRA/OpenRA.Mods.Common/UpdateRules/UpdateUtils.cs:line 182
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.UpdateRules.UpdateUtils.UpdateMap(ModData modData, IReadWritePackage mapPackage, UpdateRule rule, List`1& files, HashSet`1 externalFilenames) in /home/runner/work/OpenRA/OpenRA/OpenRA.Mods.Common/UpdateRules/UpdateUtils.cs:line 119
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.UtilityCommands.UpdateMapCommand.ApplyRules(ModData modData, IReadWritePackage mapPackage, IEnumerable`1 rules) in /home/runner/work/OpenRA/OpenRA/OpenRA.Mods.Common/UtilityCommands/UpdateMapCommand.cs:line 108
TextNotificationsDisplayWidgetRemoveTime: Change name and unit of RemoveTime field of TextNotificationsDisplayWidget.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameEngineerRepair: Traits revolving around instant (building) repairs were renamed.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ProductionTabsWidgetAddTabButtonCollection: Change name of Button field of ProductionTabsWidget and add ArrowButton if necessary.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveTSRefinery: TiberianSunRefinery removed.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameMcvCrateAction: Rename 'GiveMcvCrateAction' to 'GiveBaseBuilderCrateAction'.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameContrailWidth: Rename contrail width
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveExperienceFromInfiltrates: Removes PlayerExperience property from Infiltrates.
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* The 'PlayerExperience' fields have been removed from the 'Infiltrates' trait
and added to InfiltrateFor* traits. If you want to keep 'PlayerExperience' you will
need to add it to each of the InfiltrateFor* traits. Properties removed from:
* MECH (usachina.yaml)

AddColorPickerValueRange: ColorPickerManager's PresetHues, PresetSaturations and V were replaced with PresetColors.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ExplicitSequenceFilenames: Sequence filenames must be specified explicitly.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveSequenceHasEmbeddedPalette: Remove sequence HasEmbeddedPalette property.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveNegativeSequenceLength: Negative sequence length is no longer allowed.
Updating map... COMPLETE

Semi-automated update complete.
Please review the messages above for any manual actions that must be applied.