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Tanya In Trouble

Tanya, we need you to secure the area. The Russians have used torture to extract the information out of Einstein to be able to build a Chronosphere. Thankfully he gave them faulty information which lead to them losing a senior scientist themselves during the test.

Before you arrived, a sleeper agent caused a commotion at the makeshift prison that Einstein as well as some others were kept at. We now have control over the prison, which Einstein will be waiting out front of for you along with some of his scientists....well, if any have survived the torture, as well as some other prisoners who will gladly help you on your mission.

One of the guards managed to escape and radio in to the outpost nearby that the prison had been lost and that a civilian from the town was a sleeper agent that caused this. We intercepted the call and the Russians have declared a "Scorched Earth" retaliation. All civilians as well as anyone else in the town, including Einstein is to be eliminated.....after hearing this, some Russian soldiers who have family here have joined up to help you defend the town, our own soldiers who were in the prison have joined up with them at the west side of the river to form a defense.

The medics/nurses/doctors from the local hospital will do all they can to help, some are on the front line but we recommend you get them to defend and help you with any ailment you may have because you are the only real hope these people have.

They are sending a few large waves of troops to attack the town, if you manage to hold them off, wait until it is safe and hunt down the remaining enemies and destroy their bases, and especially the Chronosphere....even though it is not functional, it is only a matter of time before it is.

All the way to the west is the main base which will be sending the most troops your way.

Beside this base to the east should be the Chronosphere.

Beside that is a failed experiment the Russians were working on, Einstein said he had nothing to do with that, and that they have created some sort of monster, but that facility was overrun and quarantined. Let's also destroy all of that just to be safe.

Further east is a small relay base for the local militia, which also works with the main Russian Army and the scientific forces working as contractors.

Just west of the town is the small base for those who run the prison, a few are there at all times, they are mostly just hired thugs and will probably be scared to directly attack you, expect them to be hiding amongst the trees or just patrolling their base. They have very limited numbers but are still armed and dangerous, eliminate them.

Main Objective: Eliminate All Enemy Forces And Structures.

Bonus Objective Priority One: Keep Einstein Alive

Bonus Objective: Keep as much of the townsfolk alive as possible.

If you are lost, the mission will almost certainly be futile, so don't fail us.

Setup: Play in the primary slot, set all enemies to Rush Russia, make the first AI enemy below you Red, as they will be the main enemy forces. Make the other enemy teams fitting colors, I recommend making one black/gray, one white/silver, and one army/olive green. You can play as any color you like, just try not to clash, I recommend blue.

Rules/Options: Make sure short game is off, bounties off, starting units MCV only. Make sure credits are set to 5000, fog of war is up to you, make sure the map is not revealed at the start. Make sure all enemies are allied with each other. Make sure crates are turned off. Other options do not really matter. Game speed recommendation: Slower-Normal (will get harder as the speed goes up).

If you beat it, feel free to play as one of the other teams or switch things up rules or AI wise and go crazy.

Difficulty: Medium (I have played RA since the age of 4 in 1999, so you may find this Hard).

This game plays like a mission, but it is done in Skirmish.

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Comments for revision 1 (current):
Arazoid commented on Feb. 15, 2024, 2:22 a.m.

If anyone here is having trouble beating it, just let me know and I can give a few tips and tricks.

Arazoid commented on Feb. 15, 2024, 9:27 p.m.

P.S. Make sure to click "H" once it starts to be taken to Tanya.

Arazoid commented on Feb. 16, 2024, 1:16 a.m.

Make sure the "separate team spawns" option is turned OFF.

Arazoid commented on Feb. 16, 2024, 1:41 a.m.

Oh, and will need some soldier left alive besides Tanya to be able to destroy the ore truck.

Arazoid commented on Feb. 18, 2024, 6:57 a.m.

It says it fails, but this map works perfectly fine....the error:

"Testing map: Tanya In Trouble OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor `Actor171` owner `Multi3` is not one of ValidOwnerNames: Neutral Errors: 1"

is of no consequence and does not effect the game.

Arazoid commented on Feb. 18, 2024, 6:59 a.m.

I have downloaded it myself just to make sure.

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Feb. 15 - 2024

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