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Update logs for map: Dynamite Cliff-DNM

Update from release-20180923 to release-20200202 on July 17, 2023, 8:37 p.m.:

AddCarryableHarvester: Inform about the 'CarryableHarvester' trait.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameEditorTilesetFilter: EditorTilesetFilter renamed to MapEditorData
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DefineNotificationDefaults: Move mod-specific notifications to yaml
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MergeRearmAndRepairAnimation: WithRearmAnimation and WithRepairAnimation were merged to WithResupplyAnimation
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* If an actor had both a WithRearmAnimation and a WithRepairAnimation
or multiple traits of either type, you may want to check the update results for possible
redundant entries.

MergeCaptureTraits: Merge and overhaul Captures traits
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RemovedNotifyBuildComplete: Traits are no longer automatically disabled during Building make-animations
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LowPowerSlowdownToModifier: LowPowerSlowdown is renamed to LowPowerModifier
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ChangeTakeOffSoundAndLandingSound: Change 'TakeOffSound' and 'LandingSound' parameters within 'Aircraft' Trait.
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RemoveHealthPercentageRing: Remove ring support from HealthPercentageDamage warheads' Spread
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RenameCrateActionNotification: *CrateAction>Notification renamed to Sound
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RemoveRepairBuildingsFromAircraft: Removed RepairBuildings from Aircraft
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AddRearmable: Added Rearmable trait and move RearmBuildings properties there
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MergeAttackPlaneAndHeli: AttackPlane and AttackHeli were merged to AttackAircraft
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* If an actor had a total of more than one AttackPlane and/or AttackHeli,
you may want to check the update results for possible redundant entries.

RemovedDemolishLocking: Traits are no longer automatically disabled during the Demolition countdown
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RequireProductionType: Require 'ProductionType' on 'ProductionBar'
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CloakRequiresConditionToPause: Change Cloak>RequiresCondition to PauseOnCondition
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* You may want to update the result of PauseOnCondition, as this update
just adds ! prefix to RequiresCondition's value to reverse it.

ExtractHackyAIModules: Split HackyAI logic handling to BotModules
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* You may want to check your AI yamls for possible redundant module entries.
Additionally, make sure the Player actor has the ConditionManager trait and add it manually if it doesn't.

RemoveNegativeDamageFullHealthCheck: Negative damage weapons are now valid against full-health targets.
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RemoveResourceExplodeModifier: Harvester and StoresResources traits no longer force Explodes.EmptyWeapon
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DefineLevelUpImageDefault: Unhardcoded LevelUpImage and LevelUpSequence on GainsExperience
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RemovedAutoCarryallCircleTurnSpeed: Removed AutoCarryall idle circling turnspeed hardcoding
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RemoveAttackIgnoresVisibility: IgnoresVisibility has been removed from Attack* traits.
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ReplacedWithChargeAnimation: Replaced WithChargeAnimation with WithChargeSpriteBody
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RefactorResourceLevelAnimating: Streamlined traits animating player resource level
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RemoveAttackSuicides: AttackSuicides trait has been removed.
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MultipleDeploySounds: 'GrantConditionOnDeploy' now supports multiple (un)deploy sounds
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RemoveSimpleBeacon: Remove 'PlaceSimpleBeacon'.
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MakeMobilePausableConditional: Change Mobile>RequiresCondition to PauseOnCondition
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* You may want to update the result of PauseOnCondition, as this update
just adds ! prefix to RequiresCondition's value to reverse it.

StreamlineRepairableTraits: Streamline RepairableNear and Repairable
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ReplaceSpecialMoveConsiderations: Replaced special-case movement type considerations
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RefactorHarvesterIdle: Refactor harvester idle behavior.
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SplitHarvesterSpriteBody: Split fullness display from WithHarvestAnimation to new WithHarvesterSpriteBody
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RenameAttackMoveConditions: Rename AttackMove *ScanConditions
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RemovePlaceBuildingPalettes: Remove Palette and LineBuildSegmentPalette from PlaceBuilding
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RenameHoversOffsetModifier: Rename Hovers OffsetModifier
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AddAirAttackTypes: Add AttackType field to AttackAircraft
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MoveAbortOnResupply: Moved AbortOnResupply from Aircraft to AttackAircraft
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RenameCarryallDelays: Rename Carryall and Cargo delay parameters
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AddCanSlide: Split CanSlide from CanHover
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AddAircraftIdleBehavior: Several aircraft traits and fields were replaced by Aircraft.IdleBehavior
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RenameSearchRadius: Rename SearchFromOrderRadius to SearchFromHarvesterRadius
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RenameChronoshiftFootprint: Rename footprint related ChronoshiftPower parameters
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RemoveMoveIntoWorldFromExit: Remove MoveIntoWorld from Exit.
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ReplaceAttackTypeStrafe: Replaced AttackAircraft AttackType: Strafe logic.
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Semi-automated update complete.
Please review the messages above for any manual actions that must be applied.