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Light Infantry, Trike variations, Sardaukar and Fremen now can fire at air units (Manual Targeting) at x1.4 of their ground fire range
Carryall HP 300 --> 450, Armor class Light --> Harvester, now regens to 100% HP after 10s delay for 5HP/s
Ornithopter HP 70 --> 250
Cruise missile HP 0 --> 50, Armor class Light --> Heavy, Acquire Range 7.112 --> 6
Missile Tank/Turret Damage 49 --> 50
MCV armoc class is Harvester. MCV and Harvester now regen to 100% HP after 10s delay for 5HP/s
Devastator lost its regen. HP 650 --> 750
Fremen cooldown 120s --> 90s, Fremen HP 70 --> 60
Saboteur Cooldown 90s --> 60s
Sonic Tank redundant anti-ally weapon removed.
CY now has Building Armor class (Upgradeable), HP 400 --> 1000
Sonic Tanks got their own armor class, so Sonics Tanks and Fremen would deal only 5% damage to other Sonics
Quad Build Time 16 --> 14
Scout Ornithopter Build Time 29 --> 48
Cruise Missile Build Time 22 --> 36
Fremen now regenerates to full HP, 1%/s after 5s delay
Carryall HP 200 --> 300, No Regen
All Airstrike Ornithopters speed 224 --> 160, HP 80 --> 70 (2-shot by missiles), Vision on attack 5.112 --> 8
All Airstrike Ornithopters fire 15 times, deal 80 damage and have 2-cell spread.
Damage modifiers adjusted slightly, too much to write.
Death Hand spread 1.95 --> 2 cells
Modifiers adjusted, in short it is better vs tanks.
New unit added - Cruise Missile
1 HP air unit, built at High-Tech Factory, Requires High-Tech Factory Upgrade.
Behaves similar to Scout Ornithopter. When it sees the target closer than 7c552 cells away, fires a homing projectile. Missile itself is one-use only.
175 DMG, 2500 unit spread at 100, 50 falloff. Full damage to everything. 200% DMG to Walls and Static Defense. Does not attack buildings.
Scout Ornithopter Turn Speed 4 --> 3, Vision 7 --> 8, HP 75 --> 60 (2-shot by missiles)
Missile Tank/Turret Damage Falloff 100, 100, 10 with Spread 350. CloseEnough added to aid in damaging air units. Infantry modifier 20 --> 12. Overall anti-unit performance increased by ~5-6%
Trike chain attack removed. Damage 18 --> 22.5
Carryall HP 220 --> 200 (6-shot by missiles)
New Expirience model removed. Was not working properly.
Airstrike reveal time 90 --> 100, Death hand reveal time 100 --> 160
Deviator Burst removed. Reload 250, Effect Duration 500 (Was 196 and 400 at first, testing currently)
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Reports of Imperial Basin - "Recon Felina 1.01d" Enhanced
Lint check for release-20230225
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