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Update logs for map: Protector

Update from release-20210321 to release-20230225 on Feb. 26, 2023, 10:04 p.m.:

RenameMPTraits: Several traits spawning map actors and players have been renamed.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemovePlayerHighlightPalette: PlayerHighlightPalette trait has been removed.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceWithColoredOverlayPalette: WithColoredOverlay Palette changed to Color.
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* You must define new Color fields on the following traits:
* ^DisabledOverlay: WithColoredOverlay@IDISABLE (tdrules.yaml)
* ^TDnerf: WithColoredOverlay@lightdamage (tdrules.yaml)
* ^TDnerf: WithColoredOverlay@mediumdamage (tdrules.yaml)
* ^TDnerf: WithColoredOverlay@heavydamage (tdrules.yaml)
* ^TDnerf: WithColoredOverlay@criticaldamage (tdrules.yaml)
* FireAnt: WithColoredOverlay@redant (Rules.yaml)
* ToxicAnt: WithColoredOverlay@greenant (Rules.yaml)
* ElectricAnt: WithColoredOverlay@bluenant (Rules.yaml)
* BRACHIOSAURUS.Dead: WithColoredOverlay@deaddino (Rules.yaml)
* PARAUSAR: WithColoredOverlay@greendino (Rules.yaml)
* PARAUSAR.Dead: WithColoredOverlay@greendino (Rules.yaml)
* GALLIMUS: WithColoredOverlay@greendino (Rules.yaml)
* GALLIMUS.Dead: WithColoredOverlay@bluedino (Rules.yaml)

RemoveRenderSpritesScale: Remove RenderSprites.Scale.
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from RMBO (tdrules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from E1cnc (tdrules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from E2cnc (tdrules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from E3cnc (tdrules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from E4cnc (tdrules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from E5cnc (tdrules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from E6cnc (tdrules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot1 (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot2 (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot3 (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot4 (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot5 (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot6 (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot7 (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot8 (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot9 (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot10 (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot1med (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot2med (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot3med (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot4med (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot5med (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot6med (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot7med (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot8med (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot9med (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot10med (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot1hea (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot2hea (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot3hea (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot4hea (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot5hea (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot6hea (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot7hea (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot8hea (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot9hea (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from bloodspot10hea (Rules-Blood.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from LYNX (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from LYNX.Husk (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from COBRA (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from COBRA.Husk (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from HUEY (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from HUEY.Husk (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from PINKY (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from ScoutAnt (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from LavaAnt (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from ToxicAnt (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from ElectricAnt (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from QUEEN (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from ALLOSAURUS (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from ALLOSAURUS.Dead (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from TYREX (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from TYREX.Dead (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from STEGOSAUR (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from STEGOSAUR.Dead (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from TRICERATOPS (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from TRICERATOPS.Dead (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from BRACHIOSAURUS (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from BRACHIOSAURUS.Dead (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from PARAUSAR (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from PARAUSAR.Dead (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from GALLIMUS (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from GALLIMUS.Dead (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from SUPERMAN (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from KINGKONG (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from KINGKONG.Dead (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from GODZILLA.Dead (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.
* The actor-level scaling has been removed from SCORP (Rules.yaml).
You must manually define Scale on its sequences instead.

RemovePlaceBuildingPalette: *PlaceBuildingPreview palette overrides have been removed.
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* The *Palette fields have been removed from the *PlaceBuildingPreview traits.
You may wish to inspect the following definitions and define new Alpha or
LineBuildSegmentAlpha properties as appropriate to recreate transparency effects:
* ^BaseBuilding.cnc (tdrules.yaml)

ReplaceShadowPalette: Removed ShadowPalette from WithShadow and projectiles.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceResourceValueModifiers: HarvesterResourceMultiplier and RefineryResourceMultiplier replaced with ResourceValueMultiplier.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveResourceType: Remove ResourceType definitions.
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* Add the following definitions to your ResourceLayer and EditorResourceLayer definitions:
RecalculateResourceDensity: true
ResourceIndex: 3
TerrainType: Ore
AllowedTerrainTypes: Clear,Road
MaxDensity: 12
ResourceIndex: 4
TerrainType: Gems
AllowedTerrainTypes: Clear,Road
MaxDensity: 12
* Add the following definitions to your ResourceRenderer definition:
Sequences: ti1,ti2,ti3,ti4,ti5,ti6,ti7,ti8,ti9,ti10,ti11,ti12
Palette: staticterrain
Name: Tiberium
Sequences: bti1,bti2,bti3,bti4,bti5,bti6,bti7,bti8,bti9,bti10,bti11,bti12
Palette: bluetiberium
Name: Tiberium
* Add the following definition to your ^BasePlayer definition:
Tiberium: 35
BlueTiberium: 60
* Support for AllowUnderActors, AllowUnderBuildings, and AllowOnRamps have been removed.
You must define a custom ResourceLayer subclass if you want to customize the default behaviour.

ConvertBoundsToWDist: Convert Interactable and Selection bounds from pixels to WDist.
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RemoveSmokeTrailWhenDamaged: 'SmokeTrailWhenDamaged' has been removed in favor of using 'LeavesTrails'.
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ReplaceCrateSecondsWithTicks: Changed Crate Lifetime to Duration and use ticks and renamed PanicLength to PanicDuration.
Updating map... COMPLETE

UseMillisecondsForSounds: Convert announcement/notifier intervals to real (milli)seconds.
Updating map... COMPLETE

UnhardcodeSquadManager: SquadManagerBotModule got new fields to configure ground attacks and defensive actions.
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RenameSupportPowerDescription: Support powers now use 'Name' and 'Description' fields like units.
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AttackBomberFacingTolerance: Adds the old default value for AttackBomber FacingTolerance.
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AttackFrontalFacingTolerance: Adds the old default value for AttackFrontal's FacingTolerance.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameCloakTypes: Rename 'CloakTypes' to 'DetectionTypes'
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SplitNukePowerMissileImage: NukePower now defines the image for the missile with MissileImage.
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ReplaceSequenceEmbeddedPalette: Replace Sequence EmbeddedPalette with HasEmbeddedPalette.
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UnhardcodeBaseBuilderBotModule: BaseBuilderBotModule got new fields to configure buildings that are defenses.
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UnhardcodeVeteranProductionIconOverlay: VeteranProductionIconOverlay is changed to ProductionIconOverlayManager giving it more customisation.
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RenameContrailProperties: Rename contrail color properties
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RemoveDomainIndex: Remove DomainIndex from World and add path finder overlays.
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AddControlGroups: Add new ControlGroups trait.
Updating map... COMPLETE

Semi-automated update complete.
Please review the messages above for any manual actions that must be applied.