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**** Enhanced D2k 0.76***
For more competitive and fun MP games
* new Map Options: FreeCarryall, FirstWormSpawnDelay, NorthSideDocking for Refineries
* Destroyable/repairable passages: Some new passages can by repair by engineer
* Better AI: Bots have better eco management, use target priorities, expand, protect they conyard against incoming engineers.
* Slower speed when damaged: 20% for light vehicles, 10% for Tanks.
* speed modifier on dune tiles: 30% for light vehicles, 40% for Tanks, 50% other vehicles. 25% for Harkonnen tanks
* Refinery rotation: u must add "ToggleVariant: 'your_hotkey'" to hotkey.yaml in d2k folder. Hotkey must be unique!
- Light_infantry: range to 3 cells from 2
- Trooper: increased DMG, building time, Reload time
- Trike: visibility 7 cells. Figures as scouts for vehicles with long range weapons,
- Quad: Strong vs light armor (siege/missile tanks, trikes). Weak vs Tanks, Moving targets
- Siege tank: Increased Range, Spread, Inaccuracy. Decreased speed. Low view range
- Missile tank: Increased range, dmg vs tanks. Excellent vs moving targets. Low view range
- Sonic tank: Projectile DMG fade with range. Can travel beyond targets 3 cells.
- Devastator: Decent Dmg vs everything, SelfDestrution affects 6 cells now with Overload duration 5 sec
- Deviator: Captured units cant use Deploy ability and have reduced vision. After Deviator is killed the gas still leaking from his husk.
- Conyard Upgrade improve Building Armor against low tech weapons.
- Sardaukars: Excellent VS vehicles, tanks. Modest VS infantry. High cost and building duration. They explode when crushed by tanks.
- Medium turret: Modest vs everything. Weak vs Tanks.
- Missile turret: Strong vs Tanks, Vehicles. Weak vs Infantry.
Super Powers:
- DeadHand: Affects area of 7x7 cell. Strong vs Infantry, light vehicles, defenses. Modest VS buildings Weak vs Tanks.
- AirStrike: use direction targeting. Strong vs Tanks, Building, Defences. Weak vs Infantry
- Saboteur: Pernamently cloacked. Can by detect by Outpost(5 cells), Turrets(3 cells), Infantry(1,5 cell). So its time to wall off your Conyard :). Also have selfDestruct ability on deployed. Affect area of 6 cells radius.
- Atreidis Palace spawns 4 Fremen insted of 2.
- Ordos Reinforcements: drop Squad of 5 elite infantry anywhere on map. You can kill delivering Carryall easily while landed.
* Units has updated Tool Bar Tips according this balance mod.
* Try different early games opennings – infantry rush, trike harrass, eco boom, fast expand, tech etc. They are all equal now.
* Bebore Conyard_Upgrade, Buildings can be snipe more easy with low tech units. Keep it in mind in early game.
* Build walls in front of Turrets. They can fire above them. Most units cant.
* Lot of units have larger FireRange than Reveal Shroud . Use Force Fire to shot where they cant see. Or use trikes to expand visibility.
* U can heard incoming AirStrike/DeadHand now. Try to dodge while u can.
* If Harvester is loaded and is killed, than Spice will spread across the an area.
* Killed Tanks throw shrapnels that can damage nearby units
* Devastator and Saboteur Self_Kill ability can destroy nearby Spice.
New Prerequisites:
Missile tank – High_tech_factory instead of IX_research
MCV – require only Service Depo
Sardaukar: Starport instead of High_tech_factory
Conyard.upgrade (increase building Armor): Outpost
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Reports of Habbanya Erg - Enhanced 0.76
Lint check for release-20210321
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