Big Mistake 2.0
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Lua map
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Just a dried up version of Waggy's WW3 europe
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Reports of Big Mistake 2.0
Lint check for release-20210321
Testing map: Big Mistake 2.0
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: ifv.CargoInfo.PassengerConditions: Missing actor `conscript`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: ifv.CargoInfo.PassengerConditions: Missing actor `volk`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: kirov.SpawnActorOnDeathInfo.Actor: Missing actor `KIRO.Husk`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Warning: Actor type `proc` grants conditions that are not consumed: critical
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Warning: Actor type `ifv` grants conditions that are not consumed: loaded
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `ifv` consumes conditions that are not granted: notmobile, assault-move
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `mi26` consumes conditions that are not granted: empdisable
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `mi26.husk` consumes conditions that are not granted: airborne
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `ant40` consumes conditions that are not granted: enable-smoke
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Warning: Actor type `carr.deployed` grants conditions that are not consumed: being-captured
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `carr.deployed` consumes conditions that are not granted: build-incomplete
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `hgate` consumes conditions that are not granted: disabled
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `vgate` consumes conditions that are not granted: disabled
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `atek.usa` consumes conditions that are not granted: usatek
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `stek.china` consumes conditions that are not granted: lowpower
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Undefined palette reference effect75alpha detected at weapon chronohandgun.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `v01` trait `WithMakeAnimation` field `Sequence` references an undefined sequence `make` on image `v01`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `rushouse` trait `WithMakeAnimation` field `Sequence` references an undefined sequence `make` on image `rushouse`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `lhus` trait `WithMakeAnimation` field `Sequence` references an undefined sequence `make` on image `lhus`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `windmill` trait `WithMakeAnimation` field `Sequence` references an undefined sequence `make` on image `windmill`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `rmbo` trait `Armament` field `MuzzleSequence` references an undefined sequence `garrison-muzzle` on image `rmbo`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `specop` trait `WithInfantryBody` field `StandSequences` references an undefined sequence `stand2` on image `specop`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `e1ch` trait `WithInfantryBody` field `StandSequences` references an undefined sequence `stand2` on image `e1ch`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `ectnk` trait `Armament` field `MuzzleSequence` references an undefined sequence `muzzle` on image `ectnk`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `ectnk` trait `Armament` field `MuzzleSequence` references an undefined sequence `muzzle` on image `ectnk`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.CheckSequences failed with exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Unit `kirov.husk` does not have any sequences defined.
at OpenRA.Graphics.SequenceProvider.HasSequence (System.String unitName, System.String sequenceName) [0x00029] in <24adfa0d4e934ea8abdc965bd2260629>:0
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.CheckSequences.Run (System.Action`1[T] emitError, System.Action`1[T] emitWarning, OpenRA.Ruleset rules, OpenRA.Graphics.SequenceProvider sequences) [0x002e4] in <5ef18333659f4b3884b32134748e7e88>:0
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.CheckSequences.OpenRA.Mods.Common.Lint.ILintRulesPass.Run (System.Action`1[T] emitError, System.Action`1[T] emitWarning, OpenRA.ModData modData, OpenRA.Ruleset rules) [0x0006d] in <5ef18333659f4b3884b32134748e7e88>:0
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.UtilityCommands.CheckYaml.CheckRules (OpenRA.ModData modData, OpenRA.Ruleset rules, OpenRA.Map map) [0x0002c] in <5ef18333659f4b3884b32134748e7e88>:0
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Buildable actor ftrk has prereq ~biolab not provided by anything.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Buildable actor usamcv has prereq ~structures.usa not provided by anything.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Buildable actor chinamcv has prereq ~structures.china not provided by anything.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Buildable actor rmbo has prereq ~usatek not provided by anything.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Buildable actor latnk has prereq ~iron not provided by anything.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Buildable actor hacker has prereq ~stek.china not provided by anything.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor Actor86 owner Creeps is not one of ValidOwnerNames: Neutral
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor Actor92 owner Creeps is not one of ValidOwnerNames: Neutral
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor Actor94 owner Creeps is not one of ValidOwnerNames: Neutral
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor Actor284 owner Creeps is not one of ValidOwnerNames: Neutral
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor Actor287 owner Creeps is not one of ValidOwnerNames: Neutral
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor Actor391 owner Creeps is not one of ValidOwnerNames: Neutral
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:500 refers to a trait field `TargetStances` that does not exist on `Captures`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:510 refers to a trait field `ValidStances` that does not exist on `Infiltrates`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:516 refers to a trait field `ValidStances` that does not exist on `Infiltrates`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:605 refers to a trait field `PipType` that does not exist on `Passenger`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1116 refers to a trait field `PipCount` that does not exist on `Cargo`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1146 refers to a trait field `Name` that does not exist on `TooltipDescription`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1160 refers to a trait field `RequiresCondition` that does not exist on `PortableChrono`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1177 refers to a trait field `TargetStances` that does not exist on `Armament`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1178 refers to a trait field `ForceTargetStances` that does not exist on `Armament`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1186 refers to a trait field `ReferencePoint` that does not exist on `WithDecoration`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1193 refers to a trait field `TargetStances` that does not exist on `Armament`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1194 refers to a trait field `ForceTargetStances` that does not exist on `Armament`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1199 refers to a trait field `HealIfBelow` that does not exist on `ChangesHealth`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1660 refers to a trait field `AimSequence` that does not exist on `WithSpriteTurret`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1805 refers to a trait field `HealIfBelow` that does not exist on `ChangesHealth`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1935 refers to a trait field `TargetStances` that does not exist on `Armament`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1936 refers to a trait field `ForceTargetStances` that does not exist on `Armament`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:1944 refers to a trait field `PauseOnLowPower` that does not exist on `WithIdleOverlay`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:2038 refers to a trait field `RenderSelectionBars` that does not exist on `SelectionDecorations`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:2347 refers to a trait field `HealIfBelow` that does not exist on `ChangesHealth`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:2601 refers to a trait field `ReferencePoint` that does not exist on `WithDecoration`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:2602 refers to a trait field `ZOffset` that does not exist on `WithDecoration`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:3060 refers to a trait field `PipCount` that does not exist on `Cargo`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:3108 refers to a trait field `UseClassicFacingFudge` that does not exist on `BodyOrientation`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:3186 refers to a trait field `DisplayTimerStances` that does not exist on `GpsPower`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: usachina.yaml:3350 refers to a trait field `Notification` that does not exist on `InfiltrateForCash`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: rules-ERCC.yaml:71 refers to a trait field `ValidStances` that does not exist on `ProximityExternalCondition`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: rules-ERCC.yaml:80 refers to a trait field `ValidStances` that does not exist on `ProximityExternalCondition`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:140 refers to a projectile field `BeamWidth` that does not exist on `LaserZap`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:146 refers to a projectile field `BeamDuration` that does not exist on `LaserZap`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:161 refers to a warhead field `Explosion` that does not exist on `CreateEffect`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:162 refers to a warhead field `ImpactSound` that does not exist on `CreateEffect`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:163 refers to a warhead field `InvalidImpactTypes` that does not exist on `CreateEffect`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:166 refers to a warhead field `Explosion` that does not exist on `CreateEffect`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:167 refers to a warhead field `ImpactSound` that does not exist on `CreateEffect`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:168 refers to a warhead field `ValidImpactTypes` that does not exist on `CreateEffect`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:659 refers to a warhead field `Explosion` that does not exist on `CreateEffect`.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: weapons.yaml:660 refers to a warhead field `ImpactSound` that does not exist on `CreateEffect`.
Errors: 73
Previous revision | Revision | Next revision |
Nothing found | 1 |
File Size:
2.5 MB
Apr. 24 - 2022
Parsed by: release-20210321
Lint check status:
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