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Rebel City II
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The map design is based on "ooshlablu"'s map with the same map title.

The map introduces lots of new units, the buff system, and the advanced leveling system, allowing players to think about different tactics to bring them down or avoid them.

Two Starting unit setup available for players:
● Survival Mode: Players will start with two special-type Deviators, use them to defeat the opponents with careful moves.
● Special Mode: Players will start with standard MCV with one special-type unit.

The buildable building "Armory" can provide various upgradable items for unit customizing.

● About Deviator (Special):
This unit can switch between "jamming" and "destroyer" mode by pressing the "Deploy" button.
In destroyer mode, Deviator can launch a missile with high-explosive submunitions.
In jamming mode, Deviator can temporarily take control of any enemy unit by creating a disruption field.
△ Any special unit will have a 50% chance to revive instantly after being killed or destroyed.
△ All special untis have a protable chronoshift device on it, allowing to perform long-distance teleport.
△ Special untis can be build at War Factory with longer building time and costing comparing to the standard ones.

● New Leveling System:
△ The maximum level is now up to 11 (A white bird-like shape)
* Note: Enemies from Red City can level up to 12.
△ New weapons will unlock by reaching certain levels.

● Buffs and Debuffs:
△ Elite:
(This buff is only available for the Red City in the middle)
Units receiving this buff will only take 1% damage from any effective attack, including nukes.
Units with this buff activated will have an orange letter "E" at the top-left of the selection boxes.
△ Paralyzed:
Units hit by this projectile will be freeze for seconds.
Units affected by it will have a stop icon at the bottom-left of the selection boxes.
△ Weaken:
Units hit by this projectile will take 50% more damage, and the movement will slow down by 50%.
Units affected by it will turn blue.
* Note: This effect can neutralize "Elite" to perform a higher damage against the target.
△ Poisoned:
Units hit by this projectile will start reducing health for a fixed time.
Units affected by it will have a purple bubble icon at the bottom-left of the selection boxes.
△ Detonable:
This effect can only be cast by Deviator. The unit affected by this can trigger an atomic-level self-destruct sequence by pressing the "Deploy" button.
The unit will automatically destroy itself and create a massive explosion if not manually triggered before time running out.
The unit will turn orange if "Detonable" is in effect.

● Upgradable Options:
△ Weapons:
All units (except defensive structures) will receive an additional damage bonus on each level's upgrade.
Max level is 3.
Straight lines near the bottom-left corner will tell the player which level the upgrade is on;
The yellow lines are for weapons, and the blue ones are for armors.
△ Armor:
All units (except structures) will take less amount of damage when under attack.
This upgrade has a max upgradable level at 3.
△ Armor-Piercer:
When researched, certain types of defensive structures can reduce targets' armor for extra damages.
△ Corrosive Acid:
When researched, units hit by the defensive structures with this upgradable option will start reducing their health in a given time.

● Map Design based on "Rebel City" by "ooshlablu":

● Music:
"Bullet Rain" by Carl Norén

● Known bugs:
△ If an unit get taken control by Deviator without triggering "Detonable" at the same time, the Detonable effect will not activate properly during the unit being controlled.

● Fixed Condition conflicts detected by the utility.

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Some rights reserved: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. External graphics and sounds are not covered by the license.
File Size:
4.3 MB
Aug. 25 - 2021

Parsed by: release-20200503
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