Update logs for map: Melons Vortex 1.0
Update from release-20200503 to release-20210321 on March 21, 2021, 9:42 p.m.:
AddPipDecorationTraits: Add decoration traits for selection pips.
Updating map... COMPLETE
ModernizeDecorationTraits: Modernize SelectionDecorations and With*Decoration traits.
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RenameHealCrateAction: Rename 'HealUnitsCrateAction' to 'HealActorsCrateAction'.
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RenameInfiltrationNotifications: Renamed InfiltrateForCash Notification to InfiltratedNotification.
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MoveClassicFacingFudge: UseClassicFacingFudge functionality was moved to Cnc-specific sequence/coordinate code.
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RenameWithNukeLaunch: Renamed WithNukeLaunchAnimation and Overlay
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SpawnActorPowerDefaultEffect: Set SpawnActorPower EffectSequence to it's previous default value.
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RemoveConditionManager: ConditionManager trait has been removed.
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ConvertSupportPowerRangesToFootprint: Convert support power ranges to footprint
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UpdateTilesetColors: Rename Tileset LeftColor and RightColor
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UpdateMapInits: Update map actor definitions
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CreateFlashPaletteEffectWarhead: Create FlashPaletteEffectWarhead to replace hardcoded nuke flashing.
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ChangeTargetLineDelayToMilliseconds: Changed DrawLineToTarget.Delay interpretation from ticks to milliseconds.
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ReplaceFacingAngles: Increase facing angle resolution
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RenameSelfHealing: SelfHealing was renamed as negative SelfHealing is a common usecase.
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ReplaceBurns: Replaced Burns with separate render and health change traits.
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RemoveMuzzleSplitFacings: Remove Armament.MuzzleSplitFacings.
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RenameStances: Renamed player 'Stances' to 'Relationships'.
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RemoveTurnToDock: TurnToDock is removed from the Aircraft trait.
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RenameSmudgeSmokeFields: Renamed smoke-related properties on SmudgeLayer.
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RenameCircleContrast: Rename 'ContrastColor' to 'BorderColor'.
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SplitDamagedByTerrain: Several properties of 'DamagedByTerrain' have been moved to the new 'D2kBuilding' trait.
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RemoveLaysTerrain: 'LaysTerrain' has been removed in favor of the new 'D2kBuilding' trait.
Updating map... COMPLETE
Semi-automated update complete.
Please review the messages above for any manual actions that must be applied.