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Update logs for map: Nawayt

Update from release-20190314 to release-20200202 on April 26, 2020, 2:27 p.m.:

MultipleDeploySounds: 'GrantConditionOnDeploy' now supports multiple (un)deploy sounds
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveSimpleBeacon: Remove 'PlaceSimpleBeacon'.
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MakeMobilePausableConditional: Change Mobile>RequiresCondition to PauseOnCondition
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* You may want to update the result of PauseOnCondition, as this update
just adds ! prefix to RequiresCondition's value to reverse it.

StreamlineRepairableTraits: Streamline RepairableNear and Repairable
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceSpecialMoveConsiderations: Replaced special-case movement type considerations
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Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* The following definitions implement WithMoveAnimation
or GrantConditionOnMovement. Check if they need updated ValidMovementTypes:
* ^AffectsPROC (rules-ERCC.yaml):
* GrantConditionOnMovement

RefactorHarvesterIdle: Refactor harvester idle behavior.
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SplitHarvesterSpriteBody: Split fullness display from WithHarvestAnimation to new WithHarvesterSpriteBody
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RenameAttackMoveConditions: Rename AttackMove *ScanConditions
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RemovePlaceBuildingPalettes: Remove Palette and LineBuildSegmentPalette from PlaceBuilding
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RenameHoversOffsetModifier: Rename Hovers OffsetModifier
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AddAirAttackTypes: Add AttackType field to AttackAircraft
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MoveAbortOnResupply: Moved AbortOnResupply from Aircraft to AttackAircraft
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RenameCarryallDelays: Rename Carryall and Cargo delay parameters
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AddCanSlide: Split CanSlide from CanHover
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AddAircraftIdleBehavior: Several aircraft traits and fields were replaced by Aircraft.IdleBehavior
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RenameSearchRadius: Rename SearchFromOrderRadius to SearchFromHarvesterRadius
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RenameChronoshiftFootprint: Rename footprint related ChronoshiftPower parameters
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RemoveMoveIntoWorldFromExit: Remove MoveIntoWorld from Exit.
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ReplaceAttackTypeStrafe: Replaced AttackAircraft AttackType: Strafe logic.
Updating map... COMPLETE

Semi-automated update complete.
Please review the messages above for any manual actions that must be applied.