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Update logs for map: Lua Orbiter

Update from release-20171014 to release-20180923 on Nov. 27, 2018, 3:52 p.m.:

LegacyBetaWarning: Update path from 20171014 to 20180307 is in beta state
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* Due to time constraints and the legacy status of the included rules,
the update path to 20180307 is considered a beta path.
If you encounter any issues, please report them on GitHub or our IRC channel.

RemoveMobileOnRails: Notify Mobile.OnRails removal
Updating map... COMPLETE

AircraftCanHoverGeneralization: Split Aircraft.CanHover into multiple parameters
Updating map... COMPLETE

AddNukeLaunchAnimation: Add 'WithNukeLaunchAnimation' and remove 'NukePower.ActivationSequence'
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameWithTurreted: Rename 'WithTurretedAttackAnimation' and 'WithTurretedSpriteBody'
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemovePlayerPaletteTileset: Replace 'PlayerPaletteFromCurrentTileset'
Updating map... COMPLETE

CapturableChanges: Changes on 'Captures' and 'ExternalCaptures'
Updating map... COMPLETE

DecoupleSelfReloading: Replace 'SelfReloads' with 'ReloadAmmoPool'
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveOutOfAmmo: Replace 'Armament.OutOfAmmo' by pausing on condition
Updating map... COMPLETE

ChangeCanPowerDown: Provide a condition in 'CanPowerDown' instead of using 'Actor.Disabled'
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceRequiresPower: Replace 'RequiresPower' with 'GrantConditionOnPowerState'
Updating map... COMPLETE

DropPauseAnimationWhenDisabled: Drop 'PauseAnimationWhenDisabled' from 'WithSpriteBody', replacing it with conditions.
Updating map... COMPLETE

ChangeBuildableArea: Require 'AreaTypes' on 'GivesBuildableArea'
Updating map... COMPLETE

MoveVisualBounds: Move 'SelectionDecorations.VisualBounds' to 'Selectable.Bounds'
Updating map... COMPLETE

ScaleDefaultModHealth: Scale health and damage in the default OpenRA mods
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReworkCheckboxes: Rename 'Locked' and 'Enabled' on checkboxes and dropdowns
Updating map... COMPLETE

SplitGateFromBuilding: Make gates use the 'Building' trait
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveIDisable: Remove 'IDisabled'
Updating map... COMPLETE

ReplaceCanPowerDown: Replace 'CanPowerDown' by 'ToggleConditionOnOrder'
Updating map... COMPLETE

ScaleSupportPowerSecondsToTicks: Scale support power time fields from seconds to ticks.
Updating map... COMPLETE

WarnAboutInfiltrateForTypes: Introduced Types field to InfiltrateFor* traits
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameBurstDelay: BurstDelay was renamed to BurstDelays due to support of multiple values.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveTerrainTypeIsWaterFlag: Remove TerrainType IsWater flag
Updating map... COMPLETE

DefineSquadExcludeHarvester: Add harvesters to ExcludeFromSquads
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveWeaponScanRadius: Remove Weapon ScanRadius parameters
Updating map... COMPLETE

SplitAimAnimations: Introduce WithAimAnimation and WithTurretAimAnimation traits
Updating map... COMPLETE

DefineSoundDefaults: Move mod-specific sound defaults to yaml
Updating map... COMPLETE

RenameWormSpawner: WormSpawner renamed and generalized to ActorSpawner
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveWithReloadingSpriteTurret: Remove WithReloadingSpriteTurret trait
Updating map... COMPLETE

ChangeIntensityToDuration: Add a 'Duration' parameter to 'ShakeOnDeath'.
Updating map... COMPLETE

IgnoreAbstractActors: Abstract actors are ignored while parsing rules
Updating map... COMPLETE

AddShakeToBridge: Screen shaking was removed from dying bridges.
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemovePaletteFromCurrentTileset: Remove PaletteFromCurrentTileset trait
Updating map... COMPLETE

DefineLocomotors: Introduce global Locomotor definitions
Updating map... COMPLETE

DefineOwnerLostAction: Add OwnerLostAction to player-controlled actors
Updating map... COMPLETE
Manual changes are required to complete this update:
* All player-controlled (or player-capturable) actors should define an OwnerLostAction trait
specifying an action (Kill, Dispose, ChangeOwner) to apply when the actor's owner is defeated.
You must manually define this trait on the appropriate default actor templates.
Actors missing this trait will remain controllable by their owner after they have been defeated.

RenameEmitInfantryOnSell: EmitInfantryOnSell renamed to SpawnActorsOnSell
Updating map... COMPLETE

SplitRepairDecoration: WithBuildingRepairDecoration trait split from RepairableBuilding
Updating map... COMPLETE

MoveHackyAISupportPowerDecisions: Move HackyAI SupportPowerDecisions to a trait property
Updating map... COMPLETE

DefineGroundCorpseDefault: Move Parachutable GroundCorpseSequence default to yaml
Updating map... COMPLETE

RemoveCanUndeployFromGrantConditionOnDeploy: Remove CanUndeploy from GrantConditionOnDeploy.
Updating map... COMPLETE

The following shared yaml files referenced by the map have been ignored:
* ra|rules/campaign-rules.yaml
* ra|rules/campaign-tooltips.yaml
These files are assumed to have already been updated by the --update-mod command

Semi-automated update complete.
Please review the messages above for any manual actions that must be applied.