Meme Horror
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Reports of Meme Horror
Lint check for release-20180923
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: System.AggregateException: ---> OpenRA.YamlException: rules.yaml:77: Parent type `^4x4Shape` not found
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits (System.String key, OpenRA.MiniYaml node, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 tree, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 inherited) [0x0009a] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:342
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Merge (IEnumerable`1 sources) [0x0012d] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:307
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Load (IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules) [0x0007b] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:469
at OpenRA.Ruleset.MergeOrDefault[ActorInfo] (System.String name, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml additional, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 defaults, System.Func`2 makeObject, System.Func`2 filterNode) [0x00027] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:114
at OpenRA.Ruleset+c__AnonStorey2.<>m__0 () [0x00051] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:190
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskActionInvoker+ActionInvoke.Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task owner, System.Object state, System.Threading.Tasks.Task context) [0x00000] in:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x00000] in:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00000] in:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout) [0x00000] in:0
at OpenRA.Ruleset.Load (OpenRA.ModData modData, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, System.String tileSet, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapWeapons, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapVoices, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapNotifications, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapMusic, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapSequences, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapModelSequences) [0x000c5] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:229
at OpenRA.Map.PostInit () [0x0003a] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/Map/Map.cs:402
--> (Inner exception 0) OpenRA.YamlException: rules.yaml:77: Parent type `^4x4Shape` not found
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits (System.String key, OpenRA.MiniYaml node, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 tree, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 inherited) [0x0009a] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:342
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Merge (IEnumerable`1 sources) [0x0012d] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:307
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Load (IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules) [0x0007b] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:469
at OpenRA.Ruleset.MergeOrDefault[ActorInfo] (System.String name, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml additional, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 defaults, System.Func`2 makeObject, System.Func`2 filterNode) [0x00027] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:114
at OpenRA.Ruleset+c__AnonStorey2.<>m__0 () [0x00051] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:190
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskActionInvoker+ActionInvoke.Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task owner, System.Object state, System.Threading.Tasks.Task context) [0x00000] in:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x00000] in:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in:0
Errors: 1
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits (System.String key, OpenRA.MiniYaml node, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 tree, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 inherited) [0x0009a] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:342
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Merge (IEnumerable`1 sources) [0x0012d] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:307
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Load (IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules) [0x0007b] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:469
at OpenRA.Ruleset.MergeOrDefault[ActorInfo] (System.String name, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml additional, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 defaults, System.Func`2 makeObject, System.Func`2 filterNode) [0x00027] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:114
at OpenRA.Ruleset+
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskActionInvoker+ActionInvoke.Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task owner, System.Object state, System.Threading.Tasks.Task context) [0x00000] in
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x00000] in
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00000] in
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout) [0x00000] in
at OpenRA.Ruleset.Load (OpenRA.ModData modData, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, System.String tileSet, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapWeapons, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapVoices, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapNotifications, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapMusic, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapSequences, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapModelSequences) [0x000c5] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:229
at OpenRA.Map.PostInit () [0x0003a] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/Map/Map.cs:402
--> (Inner exception 0) OpenRA.YamlException: rules.yaml:77: Parent type `^4x4Shape` not found
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits (System.String key, OpenRA.MiniYaml node, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 tree, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 inherited) [0x0009a] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:342
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Merge (IEnumerable`1 sources) [0x0012d] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:307
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Load (IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules) [0x0007b] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:469
at OpenRA.Ruleset.MergeOrDefault[ActorInfo] (System.String name, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml additional, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 defaults, System.Func`2 makeObject, System.Func`2 filterNode) [0x00027] in /home/resource/engine/release-20180923/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:114
at OpenRA.Ruleset+
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskActionInvoker+ActionInvoke.Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task owner, System.Object state, System.Threading.Tasks.Task context) [0x00000] in
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x00000] in
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in
Errors: 1
Lint check for playtest-20180825
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: System.AggregateException: ---> OpenRA.YamlException: rules.yaml:77: Parent type `^4x4Shape` not found
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits (System.String key, OpenRA.MiniYaml node, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 tree, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 inherited) [0x0009a] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:342
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Merge (IEnumerable`1 sources) [0x0012d] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:307
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Load (IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules) [0x0007b] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:469
at OpenRA.Ruleset.MergeOrDefault[ActorInfo] (System.String name, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml additional, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 defaults, System.Func`2 makeObject, System.Func`2 filterNode) [0x00027] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:114
at OpenRA.Ruleset+c__AnonStorey2.<>m__0 () [0x00051] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:190
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskActionInvoker+ActionInvoke.Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task owner, System.Object state, System.Threading.Tasks.Task context) [0x00000] in:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x00000] in:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00000] in:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout) [0x00000] in:0
at OpenRA.Ruleset.Load (OpenRA.ModData modData, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, System.String tileSet, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapWeapons, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapVoices, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapNotifications, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapMusic, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapSequences, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapModelSequences) [0x000c5] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:229
at OpenRA.Map.PostInit () [0x0003a] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/Map/Map.cs:402
--> (Inner exception 0) OpenRA.YamlException: rules.yaml:77: Parent type `^4x4Shape` not found
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits (System.String key, OpenRA.MiniYaml node, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 tree, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 inherited) [0x0009a] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:342
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Merge (IEnumerable`1 sources) [0x0012d] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:307
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Load (IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules) [0x0007b] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:469
at OpenRA.Ruleset.MergeOrDefault[ActorInfo] (System.String name, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml additional, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 defaults, System.Func`2 makeObject, System.Func`2 filterNode) [0x00027] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:114
at OpenRA.Ruleset+c__AnonStorey2.<>m__0 () [0x00051] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:190
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskActionInvoker+ActionInvoke.Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task owner, System.Object state, System.Threading.Tasks.Task context) [0x00000] in:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x00000] in:0
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in:0
Errors: 1
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits (System.String key, OpenRA.MiniYaml node, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 tree, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 inherited) [0x0009a] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:342
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Merge (IEnumerable`1 sources) [0x0012d] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:307
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Load (IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules) [0x0007b] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:469
at OpenRA.Ruleset.MergeOrDefault[ActorInfo] (System.String name, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml additional, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 defaults, System.Func`2 makeObject, System.Func`2 filterNode) [0x00027] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:114
at OpenRA.Ruleset+
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskActionInvoker+ActionInvoke.Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task owner, System.Object state, System.Threading.Tasks.Task context) [0x00000] in
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x00000] in
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) [0x00000] in
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout) [0x00000] in
at OpenRA.Ruleset.Load (OpenRA.ModData modData, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, System.String tileSet, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapWeapons, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapVoices, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapNotifications, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapMusic, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapSequences, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapModelSequences) [0x000c5] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:229
at OpenRA.Map.PostInit () [0x0003a] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/Map/Map.cs:402
--> (Inner exception 0) OpenRA.YamlException: rules.yaml:77: Parent type `^4x4Shape` not found
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.ResolveInherits (System.String key, OpenRA.MiniYaml node, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 tree, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2 inherited) [0x0009a] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:342
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Merge (IEnumerable`1 sources) [0x0012d] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:307
at OpenRA.MiniYaml.Load (IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml mapRules) [0x0007b] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/MiniYaml.cs:469
at OpenRA.Ruleset.MergeOrDefault[ActorInfo] (System.String name, IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, IEnumerable`1 files, OpenRA.MiniYaml additional, IReadOnlyDictionary`2 defaults, System.Func`2 makeObject, System.Func`2 filterNode) [0x00027] in /home/resource/engine/playtest-20180825/OpenRA.Game/GameRules/Ruleset.cs:114
at OpenRA.Ruleset+
at System.Threading.Tasks.TaskActionInvoker+ActionInvoke.Invoke (System.Threading.Tasks.Task owner, System.Object state, System.Threading.Tasks.Task context) [0x00000] in
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke () [0x00000] in
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.ThreadStart () [0x00000] in
Errors: 1
Lint check for release-20180307
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor ntpyra is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Map contains invalid custom rules.
Errors: 16
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor ntpyra is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Map contains invalid custom rules.
Errors: 16
Lint check for release-20180218
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor ntpyra is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Map contains invalid custom rules.
Errors: 16
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor ntpyra is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Map contains invalid custom rules.
Errors: 16
Lint check for release-20171014
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor ntpyra is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Map contains invalid custom rules.
Errors: 16
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor well is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor caarmr is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor bigblue is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor neutralradar is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor ntpyra is not defined by any rule.
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Map contains invalid custom rules.
Errors: 16
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File Size:
6.0 KB
Meme Map
Nov. 23 - 2018
Parsed by: release-20180923
Lint check status: