This map features the “eXperimental Refinery” 1.0 - design by FRenzy
It branches from the "ER" (Evolved Refinery) project aiming at creating a balanced refinery, while keeping close to the original design.
The "XR" (eXperimental Refinery) design takes more freedom regarding the shape, in order to solve functional problems, such as the visibility of vehicles under the refinery.
Main contributors to "ER" and "XR" projects : FRenzy, Widow, MustaphaTR (modding)
Capturable buildings : [Refinery + 2x Oil derricks] / 2x [Barracks + Forward Command] / Airfield (with Ukraine's support powers).
Capturable vehicles (neutral) : 2x [Heavy Tank + Medium Tank] (near each Forward Command). Capture with Hijackers / Mechanics.
Map maker : FRenzy
Inspiration : SoScared's "Interference". Suggested idea by wippie.
Tools : SirCake's MapSketchGenerator, my MapTools, Inkscape, Photoshop
v5 :
- Airfields were too OP.
Changed 2 to 1 Airfield, very vulnerable (barrels).
Split Ore refinery and oils.
v4 :
- Profoundly changed the structure again :
Pushed the spawns towards the edges. It was difficult otherwise to fit in everything at correct distances ...
- Reduced the capturables a bit (less space taken)
v3 :
- Changed the structure, same size.
- Added the capturables from the map Frostmourne.
The constested zones are less for ore, more for capturable points.
v2 :
- Removed the unneccesary custom rules for civs.
v1 :
- 4p, 128x128, 353k$, 2 oil, 2 hospital, 4 Forward Commands. 34 mines, 3 at start per player.
Edit map info
Reports of Diffraction [WIP v5] [XR]
Lint check for release-20180923
Lint check for playtest-20180825
Lint check for release-20180307
Lint check for release-20180218
Lint check for release-20171014
at OpenRA.Graphics.SpriteLoader.GetFrames (IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, System.String filename, OpenRA.Graphics.ISpriteLoader[] loaders) [0x00023] in /home/resource/engine/release-20171014/OpenRA.Game/Graphics/SpriteLoader.cs:115
at OpenRA.Graphics.SpriteLoader.GetSprites (IReadOnlyFileSystem fileSystem, System.String filename, OpenRA.Graphics.ISpriteLoader[] loaders, OpenRA.Graphics.SheetBuilder sheetBuilder) [0x00011] in /home/resource/engine/release-20171014/OpenRA.Game/Graphics/SpriteLoader.cs:106
at OpenRA.Graphics.SpriteCache.LoadSprite (System.String filename, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 cache) [0x00014] in /home/resource/engine/release-20171014/OpenRA.Game/Graphics/SpriteLoader.cs:61
at OpenRA.Graphics.SpriteCache.get_Item (System.String filename) [0x00020] in /home/resource/engine/release-20171014/OpenRA.Game/Graphics/SpriteLoader.cs:73
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Graphics.DefaultSpriteSequence..ctor (OpenRA.ModData modData, OpenRA.TileSet tileSet, OpenRA.Graphics.SpriteCache cache, ISpriteSequenceLoader loader, System.String sequence, System.String animation, OpenRA.MiniYaml info) [0x0036c] in /home/resource/engine/release-20171014/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Graphics/DefaultSpriteSequence.cs:192
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Graphics.TilesetSpecificSpriteSequence..ctor (OpenRA.ModData modData, OpenRA.TileSet tileSet, OpenRA.Graphics.SpriteCache cache, ISpriteSequenceLoader loader, System.String sequence, System.String animation, OpenRA.MiniYaml info) [0x00000] in /home/resource/engine/release-20171014/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Graphics/TilesetSpecificSpriteSequence.cs:48
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Graphics.TilesetSpecificSpriteSequenceLoader.CreateSequence (OpenRA.ModData modData, OpenRA.TileSet tileSet, OpenRA.Graphics.SpriteCache cache, System.String sequence, System.String animation, OpenRA.MiniYaml info) [0x0000b] in /home/resource/engine/release-20171014/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Graphics/TilesetSpecificSpriteSequence.cs:41
at OpenRA.Mods.Common.Graphics.DefaultSpriteSequenceLoader.ParseSequences (OpenRA.ModData modData, OpenRA.TileSet tileSet, OpenRA.Graphics.SpriteCache cache, OpenRA.MiniYamlNode node) [0x0014c] in /home/resource/engine/release-20171014/OpenRA.Mods.Common/Graphics/DefaultSpriteSequence.cs:60
at OpenRA.Graphics.SequenceProvider+
at System.Lazy`1[OpenRA.IReadOnlyDictionary`2[System.String,OpenRA.Graphics.ISpriteSequence]].InitValue () [0x00000] in
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