Unplugged 1.7.6 full map pack (.zip):
Full list of changes and changelog listed up at:
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v1.7.1 - removal of auto-targeting features, added few balance tweaks
v1.7.2 - increased vision and weapons' range for units and structures
v1.7.3 - adjusted balance values
v1.7.4 - adjusted balance values, added Sniper (England), German Medium Tank (Germany) and KV-8 (Ukraine)
v1.7.5 - adjusted balance values, bug fixes
v1.7.6 - adjusted balance values, added Ranger garrison armament traits, disabled auto-target vs neutral structures, allows Chinook to hover idle with attack-move
Edit map info
Reports of Great Sahara 2 (RAu v1.7.6)
Lint check for release-20171014
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `aagun` defines VisibilityType.Footprint in `OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits.RevealsShroudInfo` but has no IOccupySpace traits!
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor type `jeep` consumes conditions that are not granted: assault-move
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Weapon `^submissiledefault`: projectile RangeLimit lower than weapon range!
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Weapon `submissileaa`: projectile RangeLimit lower than weapon range!
Errors: 5
Lint check for release-20170421
Errors: 1
Lint check for release-20161019
Lint check for release-20160508
Previous revision | Revision | Next revision |
7 |
1.7.9 Alpha, light & medium tanks are way to powerful (e.g. build 3 light tanks as fast as you can and rush all other 7 enemies - one shot and their building is lost). that's not only here but in other latest maps of yours as well
Hi, thanks for the feedback! I did a run with it, my best guess is that you used this particular map version with release-2017.10.14 instead of the new that popped a few days ago. The damage and health values has increased 100x with the new release and so the custom rules were adjusted as well.
yes, I'm still on 2017-10-14, will update and report back, thank you
updated to 20180218 and everything is back to normal. thank you!