---Naval Inclusion eXtended (MIX) Version 004---
Implements new ways of Water-Land interaction to strenghten naval options.
* Gives Mig and Longbow stealth and submarine detection.
* Gives Mig and Longbow anti-sub depth charges.
* Tesla and Gun Turret get submarine detection and can shoot submarines.
* Increased naval transport capacity.
* Tanya and light tank can now swim!!!
* Gunboat gains more vision. More damage. Less HP (destroyable by one Hind/Yak).
* Destroyer range increased, rate-of-fire decreased. Anti air capabilities moved to seperate aa-gun.
* Cruiser range increased dramatically, precision increased.
* Attack Sub transports two infantry. More damage vs bridge. Improved homing topedoes, less damage. Torpedos no longer jammable.
* Missile Sub increased range, new homing cruise missiles. AA capabilities removed.
* New "Flak Trap" submarine. Manually submergeable anti-air unit.
---Have fun and banter in sleipnirs forums---
---Ruleset and assets by SirCake, based on Blackeneds Naval Playtest---
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Reports of Hardship - Maritime Inclusion eXtended
Lint check for release-20171014
Errors: 1
Lint check for release-20170421
OpenRA.Utility(1,1): Error: Actor Actor51 needs to be owned by the player that owns the world. Use the `Spawn` and `LockSpawn` player properties to force players onto a particular spawn instead.
Errors: 2
Lint check for release-20161019
Errors: 1
Lint check for release-20160508
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