Reworking of MicroBit's Ore Lord -
Ore Lord is an interesting and popular map, but there are significant differences in the spawns which mean some players feel they are imbalanced or unsuitable as a competitive map. This rework attempts to address these problems and optimise for balance.
The playable size, the number of mines, and the overall pattern have all been retained, as has the central village. Substantial changes include:
- Ore near spawns have symmetry, are equally defensible and accessible and account for refinery placement issues
- Two ore spawns on each side have moved away from the edge slightly, for better engagements
- A few more obstacles near ore to prevent unfair advantages for the top player, again, to account for refinery placement and similar issues, and also to prevent a critical area being dominated by basepush as a consequence of the spawn changes.
- A little less starting ore, more compact patches, to keep map open
Minor changes:
- Different palette
- Starting positions mirrored (NE vs SW)
- Border around the edge of the map
- No barrels or barbed wire; roads and village layout slightly different
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Reports of Small Hoard
Lint check for release-20161019
Lint check for release-20160508
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